Successfully immersed: first tunnel element Maasdeltatunnel

Rijkswaterstaat, construction consortium BAAK (Ballast Nedam and DEME) and partners have successfully immersed the first tunnel element of the Maasdeltatunnel in the Scheur in Rotterdam. This major operation was prepared for months and was carried out with extreme precision on Friday 31 March 2023.

The tunnel element is 185 metres long, 40 metres wide and 7 metres high and was first navigated from the working port to the site. Immersing and connecting the element is a precise, controlled, slow and exciting process for which one of the world's busiest waterways was shut down for a period of time. An event with a major impact on several levels.

Sinking during neap tide

The Scheur is a tidal river, so the water moves with the ebb and flow of the tide. On the day of the operation, the water was at neap tide. During this, the difference between high and low tide, and thus the flow, is minimal. This occurs about once every 14 days and provides favourable conditions for immersing.

Leakage repaired

After immersing and connecting this tunnel section, leakage occurred, which was professionally repaired. The waterway was then reopened to maritime traffic. In the meantime, work continues, such as applying the sand under the tunnel element for the final foundation.

Rijkswaterstaat and construction consortium BAAK appreciate the patience of the maritime traffic and thank all parties who contributed to solve this situation as soon as possible. On Saturday, 15 April, the tide will be neap again. That is when the second half of the tunnel will be immersed.

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