Hurks Group joins Ballast Nedam for significant regional impact
The Rijnkade will be reinforced from 2023 to continue to protect Arnhem from high water in the future. This project has been provisionally awarded to construction consortium Van der Ven - Ballast Nedam - Hakkers.
The Rijnkade is a dike that needs to be adapted to meet future climate and high-water scenarios. The quay will become safer and provide more space for meeting places, restaurants and walkers. The sketch design for this was made together with residents, restaurant businesses and other stakeholders who live and work on the Rijnkade.
Construction consortium Van der Ven - Ballast Nedam - Hakkers distinguished itself, according to commissioning clients Waterschap Rijn en IJssel and municipality of Arnhem, with emission reduction, partnership and prevention of inconvenience for local residents. "The fact that we will build emission-free means almost no nitrogen and less noise nuisance for local residents. This puts us ahead of the ambition of the Union of Water Boards to achieve emission-free construction sites by 2030," says Frank Wissink of the Rijn and IJssel Water Board.
In this dyke reinforcement project, Water Board Rijn and IJssel is working together with the Municipality of Arnhem and the Province of Gelderland. Reinforcing the Rijnkade dyke is part of the national High Water Protection Programme (HWBP). This involves reinforcing a large part of the dykes in the Netherlands - the largest dyke reinforcement operation in the Netherlands - since the Delta Works. About 1,500 kilometres of dykes and 400 locks and pumping stations have to be strengthened.