Upgrade of N31-traverse
A section of the N31 (Amsterdam – Leeuwarden) that runs through Harlingen has been reconstructed. We made the design and built the road, including five viaducts and an aqueduct. The road has been widened to a two-lane road and is laying five meters below ground level. As a result, the road is out of sight and Harlingen has visually become one again.
9,000 Piles
4,500 Sheet piles
5 Viaducts
Building in a confined space
In this project, space was limited and we executed our work in many different places at once. That complicated the project logistics. We are therefore ensured that all activities were tightly controlled. At the same time, traffic had to continue to flow smoothly along this important vein. We are executed the project in phases and constructed the new road alongside the existing one, where possible, where we sometimes made bypasses.
Strong focus on community engagement management
Good community engagement management is essential when you are working in a built-up area. We have organised information evenings and “kitchen-table” sessions to involve residents in the project. We have also visited schools to explain the dangers of construction traffic and highlight where construction vehicles drove by. Together with the measures we took concerning the construction process, this resulted in a high level of satisfaction within the local community.
More information?
Sander Lefevre
Managing Director Ballast Nedam Infra Projects a.i.