Water supply Hemmathagama
In the area of Hemmathagama (Sri Lanka) the river Auphinella rises on top of a mountain. Currently, the inhabitants of seven villages in the area still drink untreated water. The construction of an intake and water treatment, connected to a newly laid out pipeline network, will change that. Clean drinking water means fewer diseases and lesser pressure on healthcare.
17,000 Households
21,000 m3 Water capacity
111 kilometres of piping
Good community engagement management
Ballast Nedam handles the project from design up to and including the connection to 17,000 houses, including the placement of water meters. Since the 17,000 houses are spread over seven villages, good community engagement management is essential. The pipes run - partly underground, partly above ground – across the grounds of many different owners, and in every village there will be a separate water reservoir. Ballast Nedam uses a Sri Lankan community engagement manager for the agreements that need to be made about this in every village.
Dutch / Sri Lankan cooperation
Much of the required material - such as pipes and valves - is supplied from the Netherlands. On site, an experienced Sri Lankan contractor installs the pipes and provides the connection to the houses. Ballast Nedam has its own project management team of ten people, with an office in Colombo at the client's location, about a 3-hour drive from the project site. The last three months of the project, Ballast Nedam will be training the Sri Lankan team that will be responsible for the maintenance and operation of the water treatment plant.