New approach with better risk management

Maintenance, replacement and renovation

Replacement and renovation project A73 tunnels

Since 2008, the A73 has had two tunnels: the 2400-metre long Roertunnel and the 400-metre long Swalmen tunnel. More than 45,000 vehicles use them every day. Commissioned by Rijkswaterstaat, Ballast Nedam and Croonwolter&dros will conduct the replacement and renovation of both tunnels in 2023. In addition, we will be jointly responsible for the maintenance of the tunnels for the next five years.

  • 45,000 vehicles
  • 400 -metre long Swalmen tunnel
  • 2,400 -metre long Roertunnel

National tunnel standard

Both tunnels comply with all the Dutch laws and regulations governing tunnels and tunnel safety. To remain compliant, we will replace a total of ten of the fifty tunnel components, such as the ventilation and lighting systems. All new systems align with the national tunnel standard, which means they can be retrofitted during the larger planned renovation around 2030. We will also be renovating several tunnel components. For example, both tunnels will be given a light-coloured asphalt layer. The white gravel in the asphalt reflects the lights in the tunnel and the lighting of the cars. This means that less light is needed in the tunnel and we, therefore, save energy.

Improved risk management

New to this project is the two-phase approach. This means there is an additional phase between the contract and the construction. In this intermediate phase, we work together with Rijkswaterstaat on the design and the construction planning, make joint choices and analyse the risks. This two-phase approach is part of an experiment by Rijkswaterstaat to achieve a better and fairer method of risk allocation. And thus to a healthier construction sector.

The big picture

The contract form is also new. The Maintain, Design, Construct, Maintain (MDCM) contract ensures that we can use our knowledge and experience in tunnel maintenance for the design and realisation. And ultimately for the maintenance of these tunnels after the replacement and renovation work. This method suits us because we prefer to look at the big picture.

Combining expertise

The advantage of our close cooperation with Croonwolter&dros and Rijkswaterstaat is that we can all contribute our own expertise. For example, as Ballast Nedam we have a lot of experience with the construction and maintenance of tunnels. Think of projects such as the A9 Gaasperdammerweg, the A24 Blankenburgverbinding and the A2 in Maastricht. As a result, we have in-house knowledge of managing large tunnel projects, concrete structures and the installation and repair of asphalt pavements. This knowledge is very useful in the renewal and renovation of the Roertunnel and tunnel Swalmen.

More information?

Ronald de Geus

Managing Director Ballast Nedam Infra Projects

Ronald grew up in an international environment: the basis of his career in integral projects. From his design and engineering background, he has grown into the project management of large, complex projects.

Business Unit Director Ronald De Geus Ballast Nedam Infra Projects
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