Sincere care gets leading role in new safety campaign Take Care

Safety is about genuine care for yourself and each other. That is why we are launching our new safety campaign: Take Care. With this campaign, we challenge ourselves and colleagues to take care of each other and act in the right way to improve safe working.

In this new campaign, sincere care is the main focus. With it, we further embed the focus on safety in the minds and hearts of all our people. We encourage everyone to show personal leadership, at every level of the organisation.

"Safety is a joint responsibility," says Geert van der Linde, Director of Safety. "We take care of each other, speak to each other and make dilemmas discussable. And - not unimportantly - we give compliments when something goes well. By paying attention to our employees and subcontractors, we let them see and feel that they can make a difference."

Take Care: one video, one message

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Continuing to improve safety

The campaign will be visible on Ballast Nedam's construction sites and offices from 13 June 2022. Through regular discussions and toolboxes on safety, our colleagues stay alert and we continuously improve our safe working methods. As a result, they go to work healthy in the morning and come home healthy in the evening.

Interested in more? Read further about Take Care and safety.