We are happy to help
A question or complaint about a property built by Ballast Nedam?
Do you know which organisational unit of Ballast Nedam built the house? For example, Ballast Nedam Zuid or Ballast Nedam West? Then we can help you quickly via this page. This way, your message will be forwarded directly to the correct location.
Don't know which organisational unit it is? Then fill in the contact form below, specifying the address, (sub)project and year of construction.
Are you inconvenienced by a Ballast Nedam project?
How unfortunate that our work is causing inconvenience.
Please report it to the organisational unit building the project. You can find the organisational units via this page. This way, your message will be forwarded directly to the correct location.
If you do not know which organisational unit is building the project? Then fill in the contact form below, stating which project it concerns. We will investigate further.
A question about an invoice?
Would you like to submit an invoice or view the status? Or have you not yet received a purchase number? On this page we will help you further.
A question about an organisational unit?
Do you have a question for one of Ballast Nedam's organisational units? Then we can help you quickly via this page.
Would you like to join Ballast Nedam?
How nice of you to join one of our teams! You can find all vacancies and the contact details of our recruiters on our Working at website.
Commercial messages are not followed up.