Ballast Nedam will be renovating hundreds of houses in Eindhoven region

Ballast Nedam Zuid has signed a three-year framework contract with housing corporation Woonbedrijf for the renovation and improving sustainability of 311 homes in the Eindhoven region. This also includes an option for a subsequent six-year contract with around 1,200 homes.

The renovation work is part of an exceptional project, in which the client Woonbedrijf is renovating a total of 7,000 to 8,000 post-war single-family homes. The scale of the project has led to it being carried out by four contractors: Ballast Nedam Zuid, BAM Wonen BV, Groenen Van Santvoort bouwcombinatie and Caspar de Haan.

The renovation is a major step in achieving the sustainability goals for the municipality of Eindhoven. These single-family homes currently still have a low energy label, but the renovation will increase the energy label by 3 to 4 steps.

Work in consultation with the residents

In close consultation with the residents, the houses are insulated and the facades improved. If necessary and if the residents agree, bathrooms, kitchens and toilets will also be renovated. “Together with the residents, we map out the activities for each home,” says Jack Koch, Managing Director Ballast Nedam Zuid. “In the past, the client took care of this inventory, but now that we responsible for this, we can make smart use of our capacity to renovate a large number of houses at the same time.”

Learning continuously

The work will be carried out simultaneously in groups of 75 homes. After each group, the four contractors discuss the process with Woonbedrijf. Ingrid de Boer, Managing Director of Woonbedrijf is pleased with this innovative approach: “Living confortably is our first priority. Together we ensure that good agreements are made with every resident and contractor. Before, during and after the renovation work.”

This autumn residents will be notified of what the renovation means for them. The renovation will be carried out if at least 70% of the residents approve the plan. Ballast Nedam and other contractors will each work in their 'own' neighborhood and guide the residents through the entire process. Woonbedrijf will start with the first houses at the beginning of 2022.

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