The biggest accommodation project in the Netherland based on PPS

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Kromhout Kazerne

In Utrecht, we have completed constructing the biggest accommodation project in the Netherlands based on a Public-Private Partnership (PPP)—the Kromhout Barracks. This complex incorporates 80,000 m2 of office space, a sports hall, an underground car park, 4,000 m2 of outdoor sports facilities and a health centre. In addition to design and construction, we are also taking care of the financing and will be responsible for operating the site for 25 years. Compared with a traditional contract, the approach taken for this project will result in savings of almost fifteen per cent for the Ministry of Defence.

  • 80,000 m2 office space
  • 25 years involved
  • 4,000 m2 outdoor sports facilities
The design fits perfectly into the urban landscape and respects historical elements, existing housing and vegetation. One unusual innovation is the underground storage for waste from the canteen. The waste storage tank is energy-saving and compact, requires fewer logistical movements and causes no unpleasant odour. Other sustainable innovations include the sedum roof, which significantly reduces rainwater run-off and the presence sensors used to control installations and lighting.

Interdisciplinary design process

The site is home to the Army Command headquarters, the headquarters of the Support Command and elements of the Defence Materiel Organisation. During the design process, various disciplines worked together to guarantee the quality of the living and working environment. The many different gardens incorporated into the design enhance the green character of the environment and the site also benefits from ‘open space’. Thanks to this space, there is built-in flexibility to allow further growth and common use by third parties, creating additional possibilities and generating extra income in the future.

Lower lifetime costs

From design through to maintenance and management, every link in the process was incorporated into a single DBFMO contract. This contract form resulted in lower lifetime costs and allowed us to make different design and materials choices. Higher investment costs will be easily recouped over the operation period, as maintenance and replacement costs are lower.

BREEAM Certification

The project has achieved a BREEAM-NL 4-star certificate (Excellent) for the building (Asset) and Management components. Achieving such a high score on more than one component within BREEAM-NL In-Use is quite rare.

More information?

Walter van Gurp

Managing Director Ballast Nedam Asset management

Walter began his career in the railway sector, where he worked on various formula developments such as the implementation of the well-known OV chip card. Since 2008, he has been working on integral projects within Ballast Nedam. A part of the building sector in which he uses his knowledge about tender and contract management daily.

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