Plenty of room for different schools

A total of 29 classrooms for primary education and four group rooms

New construction brede school Westwijk

The wide school along the Jane Addamslaan exists of 29 classrooms voor primary education and four rooms for after-school care (BSO).

  • 29 classrooms
  • 4 group rooms
The Karel Eykman school, KBS De Triangel, BSO Kinderrijk and a music school are located in this beautiful building. Several clusters are positioned around the general facilities so the different age-groups and the BSO all got their own domain. The wide school is functional and connected with the adjacent gym.

More information?

Niels Doodeman

Managing Director Heddes Bouw & Ontwikkeling

Niels’ passion for building is reflected at Heddes Bouw & Ontwikkeling, where they face challenges together. After holding a variety of positions, he has been a member of the Board of Management since 2002. In 2011 Heddes Bouw & Ontwikkeling became part of Ballast Nedam, for which Niels has final responsibility as Managing Director.

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