Uilenstede Oost Phase 2

New construction of a student complex with 233 residences and public areas

Heddes Bouw & Ontwikkeling has set a new record in cooperation with Ursem Modulaire Bouwsystemen

Stichting DUWO commissioned for 233 modular student apartments to be stacked like lego at a student campus in Amstelveen. The permanent tower will consist of eleven layers and a part of five layers.

  • 233 modular student residences
  • 11 -storey residential tower

Construction method

Conventional and traditional construction methods were used in phase 1, but for phase 2 the modular construction system of Ursem was applied. The construction was realised a lot faster and cheaper in comparison with traditional methods. 

The innovation challenge of 707 student apartments over seven buildings was the ultimate benchmark between the 'old way' of building on-site and the 'new way' of building in a factory. Differences between these methods are unnoticeable, as the buildings from phase 1 and phase 2 have the exact same architecture and layout. 

The house produced in the factory is very similar to the one built on the construction site. The technical quality of the modular project, with a GPR score of 7.5, is even slightly higher than in phase 1, partly due to increasingly stringent regulations.

More information?

Niels Doodeman

Managing Director Heddes Bouw & Ontwikkeling

Niels’ passion for building is reflected at Heddes Bouw & Ontwikkeling, where they face challenges together. After holding a variety of positions, he has been a member of the Board of Management since 2002. In 2011 Heddes Bouw & Ontwikkeling became part of Ballast Nedam, for which Niels has final responsibility as Managing Director.

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